Absence Makes The Heart Grow Stronger
Hello all and apologies for not posting for quiet some time, as I have a lot to deal with since I last posted back in October 2017. I've...

People often comment on some of my photographs saying things like, "WOW! Great photo - you must have a really expensive camera?". My...

Goodbye 2015 - Hello 2016
If you have read my post Recovery and My Photography, you will know it has been a year of change for me, not only with my health and well...

My Recovery with Photography
Bit of a weird title to begin with, but read on and all will become clear. I have mentioned in a few of my recent posts that my...

Walkthrough - Dog Photography
A couple of years ago I went along to a Photography Workshop with Andy Biggar, renowned dog and equestrian photographer. It was a fun...

Walkthrough - Night Time Photography & Processing
As mentioned in my previous post, here is a walkthrough from one of my night time shots from start to finish. I'm no expert and there a...

Urban Landscapes at Night
This time of year when the nights are drawing in is a great opportunity to get your camera out and head into large towns or citys and...
Ripon Skatepark Jam
Was asked to go along and photo a jam at Ripon Skatepark back in August, which was hard work and great fun! I've only been doing...

New Website, New Blog
Over the past month or so I've been setting up a new website to show of my photography. I've decided to go down the route of more photos...