Absence Makes The Heart Grow Stronger
Hello all and apologies for not posting for quiet some time, as I have a lot to deal with since I last posted back in October 2017.
I've still got issues, but they are now getting sorted, and I will try and post a bit more in the next couple of weeks as I will be going into Rehab for three months shortly.
Anyways, I have not been out with my dSLR for some time as my mojo had completely gone, but I have been using my phone for spontaneous shots.

Amongst a lot of other photographers I have said its not the camera you use, it's the person behind it.
Quite often myself and my fiancé will go for a walk through the village or into the local town and we both use our camera phone to take photos.
Set myself a challenge that when I take photos from my phone, I edit them on my phone too. There is various apps out there, but I use Lightroom Mobile, but even your basic camera app can give excellent results.

As you can see above there are three photos taken with my phone. The last one was taken using a macro lens which fits over the lens of your phone camera. Expensive? No! Cost me £3.99 for three lenses and a clamp to attach to your phone.
Anyways, what I am trying to say is that there are a lot of other people suffering from depression, anxiety and addiction. I have been going to 'groups' for the last three years of so, and finally accepted I want my life back and rehab is the best thing for me to do.
Don't get me wrong because I will be away from my fiancé for over 12 weeks and won't be allowed any contact with her for 80% of the duration I am away.
What I also want to say is don't judge people. If you want to judge then get a law degree and become a real judge.
Quite often I see homeless people in the streets of my local town or in York. Yes they ask for spare change, but rather than giving them change so they can get a drink or a fix I will go get them something to eat and a coffee or tea.
When you see people sleeping rough, do you actually know the reason why they are there? There is always and underlying problem, it doesn't matter if you are kicked out by parents etc, there is always reason. Through my group sessions I have learned of doctors, lawyers, scientists, even police officers that have ended up with addiction.
Addiction is like a kind of cancer. You don't choose it, it attacks you and takes control of you. Thankfully I have finally realised how much danger I am in for loosing everything, including my life.
Okay I have been open and honest with you all. Please wish me luck on my new journey to a new life, and if you know anybody that is in a similar predicament, suggest (do NOT tell them) that maybe they need to get some help.
A fabulous quote from one of my favourite films The Matrix.......
"I can only show you the door, but only you can open it!"